The Restorative Care Collective

An online sanctuary to befriend your feelings, honor your needs + reconnect to yourself and others.

Do you find yourself daydreaming of escaping to a secluded island so that you can recharge and reconnect to yourself?

Is it easier to show up and care for the people in your life than it is to make your own care a priority?

Are you craving some support because it feels like you’re all alone teetering on the edge of burnout and exhaustion?

If you found yourself nodding “YES” as you read the questions above, I want to invite you to join me as we reimagine, recalibrate and renew our relationship with care in the Restorative Care Collective.

In the Restorative Care Collective:

  • You’ll acknowledge and honor your needs while implementing compassionate boundaries.

  • We’ll support one another as we begin to make choices that disrupt people-pleasing and perfectionist patterns.

  • You’ll discover a compassionate relationship with care that feels restorative and aligns with your needs and lifestyle.

  • We’ll take a seasonal approach to care. Meaning we acknowledge that there is an ebb and flow to our energy during the course of a year and we try to work with that energy rather than against it.

The Restorative Care Collective:
Online Sanctuary and Membership

What’s Included in Your Membership?

  • Access to our Nurturing Online Community: Hosted in Mighty Networks, our soft online space is where you’ll find Restorative Care resources and connect with your fellow Restorative Care members.

  • 2 Weekly Restorative Care Check-ins: Gentle reminders to Pause and Check-in with yourself during the week. Posted in Mighty Networks most Mondays and Thursdays.

  • Seasonal Members-Only Podcast Episodes: At the start of each season, we’ll share a short audio intro to help you anchor into the season and prepare for our Seasonal Community Gathering.

  • Seasonal Community (Virtual) Gatherings: A time to consider your needs for the season and develop a restorative care plan that works with your lifestyle and feels restorative to YOU. There will be time built in for personal reflection along with time for connection with other members. (Scheduled during the first week of January, March, June and September 2024)

  • A Virtual Retreat in the Spring and Fall (Scheduled in April and October 2024)

    • Plant the Seeds of Your Heart (April)

    • A Time to Harvest and Gather (October)

  • A 10-Day Invitation to Practice Restorative Care in Winter and Summer (Scheduled in February and July 2024)

  • Access to our growing library of Restorative Care Practices: Current mini-courses include; Develop Your Restorative Care Toolkit, Nurture Self-Compassion, Cultivate Compassionate Boundaries, Befriend Your Feelings and Tend to Rest + Recovery.

  • A Summer and Winter Break: We’ll take two weeks off in July and three weeks off in December. The community is available during these periods, but no new content will be shared by Maureen. We’re trying to practice what we teach and schedule time for rest and recovery :-)

Are you ready to reimagine, recalibrate and renew your relationship with care?

Join the Restorative Care Collective

Hi! I’m Maureen.

I’m the founder of the Restorative Care Collective. A brave space where being busy, overwhelmed and exhausted is met with empathy and is not considered a badge of honor.

My goal is to practice what I teach and to help people discover a compassionate, loving and supportive relationship with their own care and wellbeing.

I’m a BASI certified Pilates Instructor and a former Junior High Physical Education and Health Teacher with degrees in Kinesiology and Counseling.

Most importantly, I’m a human being trying to live a life of integrity while doing my best to make the most of my “one wild and precious life”. (Inspired by: “Summer Day” by Mary Oliver)

I’d love to have you join us in the Restorative Care Collective!

The Restorative Care Collective is for you if you…

  • Could use some support and encouragement to make your own care a priority.

  • Feel overwhelmed by all of the “shoulds” that come up when you think about taking care of your body, mind and heart.

  • Associate caring for your body, mind and heart with restriction and sacrifice and want to shift your perspective so that caring for yourself can begin to feel restorative, joyful and expansive.

The Restorative Care Collective is NOT for you if…

  • Your life is already packed full of self-care activities that feel supportive and restorative.

  • You’ve never experienced feelings of burnout and exhaustion. You’re fine…. Everything is fine…

  • You’re not interested in being a part of a virtual community. The Restorative Care Collective is hosted on the Mighty Network platform.


  • There is no falling behind. You are where you are meant to be. Please know that as a member you’ll be able to access all of the material after it’s been released.

  • The intention is to share 2 prompts each week. On average it may take about 10-20 minutes to journal. The intention is that these weekly reminders will serve as encouragement to keep your feelings and needs front and center as you consider the ways to care for yourself in a way that feels restorative.

  • Our online private community is hosted on a platform called Mighty Networks. If you’ve never used this before, Maureen will walk you through how everything works in a welcome video inside the membership.

  • We take time each season (winter, spring, summer and fall) to reflect on our how we’re feeling and what we need for each season. As human beings, we’re constantly evolving and we want to take time to acknowledge that truth. There’s a time for planting the seeds, a time for blooming, a time for harvesting and a time for wintering. We acknowledge that there is an ebb and flow to our energy during the course of a year and we try to work with that energy rather than against it. We hope this approach feels energizing and sustainable.

  • Yes!

  • No problem! With a monthly membership, you can cancel any time before your next billing cycle. There is no refund available for the month(s) you did purchase, so please keep that in mind. I hope you’ll find something that will be a better fit for you.

  • While Maureen will spend time inside the membership during the week, this is a community/group experience.

Still not sure or have questions?

Feel free to reach out directly to Maureen through the contact page.